Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jesse's First Thesis: Permission not granted to post this. Oh well...

Start with this before you read on:

How I Saved The President-
Cautionary Tale or Expose on the Dangers of Kids With Butch Lesbian Mullets

By Jesse G.

In what amounts to a trailer for a theoretically non-existent film, we are forced to confront the question of whether or not to believe the fantastical story told by a young boy, clad in early-90s garb and a butch lesbian mullet, claiming that house pets warned him of a plot against the president. It could be the ramblings of an emotionally needy boy, with a weak-willed mother and domineering, disinterested father; a cry for attention, in the vein of secret cutting but minus the physical scars.

Not addressed in the short film is the issue of the inherent lack of trustworthiness of people with mullets, exacerbated by Max’s short cut, implying a lack of caring of personal appearance added to an unsubtle desire to express masculinity where none truly resides. It is a common thing among the butch lesbian subculture but understandable from a confused pre-pubescent boy.
Max with Golf Club - Nuff Said...

Immediately after Max’s entireties to his parents fall on the deaf, emotionally abusive ears of his parents we are given the first twist—an implication that his dog and cat do communicate and are aware of some existential threat to the president. We are not, however, granted confirmation of the veracity of this, as both animals refrain from actually talking, forcing us to assume that they are either telepathic or the strain of crumbling family life added to a horrendous haircut have, indeed, driven the poor boy insane. Real or imaginary, Max is placed with the heavy Pandora-esque responsibility of knowing something that the rest of the world cannot or will not believe.
Bad Parenting

One also has to question the motives of the pets themselves, who encourage the boy to talk to neither his parents nor the cops, a cycle of psychological insulation, leaving Max totally alone, save for his possibly imaginarily-communicative pets and his butch lesbian mullet.

When interrogated by Secret Service agents, Max appears listless and lethargic; we’re led to believe his father made good on the threat to send him for psychiatric help that resulted in some heavy medication. As is often the case with people in psychoactive pharmaceuticals, Max is uncomfortable with the medication and ceases taking them almost immediately. This leads to a psychological breakdown, complete with wild mood swings, paranoia and violent behavior, not to mention a mussed-up butch lesbian mullet. His parents are forced to restrain him, but even this doesn’t calm him down but exacerbated the situation, with him struggling and mumbling semi-coherently.

A fine example of a homemade handicap ramp.
An anonymous woman, obviously infected by Max’s butch lesbian haircut, or possibly hypnotized by the telepathic house pets, releases Max in his fragile, erratic state and sneak into the local venue where the president is going to talk. What follows is unconfirmed as to its veracity. When the pets attack not one but two gunmen, are we to believe this happens in real life, or is it only ‘real’ in the fever dream of the butch lesbian mulleted Max? Max no longer appears in the film, which ends as the president gives medals of honor to the pets, but not to the boy. Has he totally lost connection to reality, lost in the tangle of butch lesbian mullet hair; or has he completely disassociated himself from himself and now sees himself as the pets, the dog and cat representing different butch lesbian mullet-free aspects of the poor boy? Or is this indeed an awards ceremony, with believe in the telepathic communication of the pets so proven that they are given presidential honors. But, if so, where is Max?

Politicians should avoid this gesture.

One must walk away from this disturbing film with several insights. First, that butch lesbian mullets should be work only by butch lesbians and if your young son shows interest in this haircut you should expect some serious complications. Second, if common house pets talk to you, be very careful to see if their mouths are moving. If not, either they are telepathic or you are crazy. If they only talk to you because they are aware of a threat to the president or some other high-powered individual, you must question the wisdom in them coming to you with the issue and not talking directly to the authorities. Either way, their capricious nature should not be encouraged. It is not your responsibility, and the time wasted in therapy, tied up by your parents and attempting to save the person from this threat (a save which, by the way, Max had nothing to do with thus making his involvement unnecessary), you could be out getting a better haircut.

Cat - but no Max

Dog - but no Max


This was the text that was our inspiration. Notice some weird time discrepancies? Maybe these two were also involved with the moon landing or the JFK assassination. Just Saying.:

Lisa Ruschioni was going to buy a particular album, but then read the following douchey review: "after listening to this constantly for the last two months it has seeped in, latched onto my soul, and now reverberates deep into the core of my being."

sorry itunes. you just lost yourself a customer thanks to that guy.

-Wednesday at 12:30pm

Eric Moore: Yeah, but Lisa, if you listened to the Katy Perry album you would write the same thing... Look, I didn't know my being even had a core, like an apple, until I listened to the album for 2 months and then wrote this review.
Wednesday at 12:32pm

Lisa Ruschioni: she's a true lyrical master, so saying such a thing about katy perry is only to be expected. i shiver in awe of her talents even as i type her name.
Wednesday at 12:36pm

Eric Moore: Her skillful way of manipulating the image of the sexualized and liberated woman as an attention grabber, into a mechanism for tackling tough issues, such as gay-for-pay scandals of the early 2000's as well as supporting mom and pop bikini manufacturers by focusing the bathing suit as a clothing options, is truly masterful.
Wednesday at 12:41pm

Lisa Ruschioni: that's an amazing thesis. if only we were back in college and you could get full credit for developing it further. i'd love to read it fully developed!
Wednesday at 12:43pm

Eric Moore: Let us start a website!
Wednesday at 12:48pm

Lisa Ruschioni: ha, that would be a pretty rad site. i'd like to include my actual emerson thesis where i dissected Lamar of Revenge of the Nerds as representative of black gays in the 1980s.
Wednesday at 12:51pm

Eric Moore: Sweet! I think I am totally serious about this. You want to co-author with me? Could be fun.
Wednesday at 12:53pm via Email Reply

Lisa Ruschioni: it does sound like fun. i'm pretty bad at follow through on such things, but i'll give it a shot!
Wednesday at 2:46pm

Archived Image Below:

The World Is My Thesis: A depository for underdeveloped ridiculous thesiseses.

One day Lisa made a status update on a social networking site. Then, soon after, Eric commented on it. Then a back and forth occurred involving Katy Perry. This spawned the idea for a weblog that shall act for a depository of absurdist yet oddly logical theses that are, for the most part, underdeveloped. Soon afterward, Jesse decided to write an essay about mullets and talking animals. The confluence of events made it seem inevitable for this weblog to be formed, Most of the content here may be ridiculous while some may be more, um, serious. We shall see.

Should anyone come across these pages and wish to run with one of these theses in a dissertation for their 7th grade social studies class, or for their Ph.D. they are more than welcome to do so.

If you wish to contribute any to this weblog feel free to email us. We are happy to include unsolicited content, as it will aid us in filling this corner of the internet with text content that we were to lazy to fill ourselves...

So. Welcome.